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Miss Vacation, Ussy Sulistiawaty Uploads Photos During a Trip to Japan with Her Four Children

Miss Vacation, Ussy Sulistiawaty Uploads Photos During a Trip to Japan with Her Four Children Ussy Sulistiawaty (Credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic has been ongoing for over a year. Everyone still needs to be cautious and choose to stay at home more. It's no wonder that many are longing for a vacation, including the beautiful actress Ussy Sulistiawaty.

As Klovers know, Ussy and 7 people in her house were recently exposed to Covid-19. Even though they have recovered, it doesn't mean they can go anywhere freely. Ussy uploaded vacation photos on her Instagram on Monday (19/4).

1. Longing for Vacation

The photo shows the moment when Ussy and her four children went on a vacation to Japan. She admitted that she really misses that moment.

"Aaahhh I miss this so much, when it was just us girls exploring Japan, when our family hadn't been joined by a handsome and charming boy," she wrote. Of course, the handsome boy she referred to is Saka, the youngest.

2. Using Umbrellas in Harmony

In the photo, Ussy is seen using umbrellas in harmony with her children. All four of her children are even more adorable in white shirts. The post was flooded with praise from netizens.

It is still remembered when Ussy was exposed to Covid-19 towards the end of March 2021. At that time, Ussy was paying off her fasting debt from last Ramadan. She realized that her condition was weak because she did not eat and continued to exercise.

3. Not Because of Fasting

That is what Ussy felt caused her immune system to weaken, allowing the Covid-19 virus to attack her. Ussy underwent self-isolation for 10 days. In addition to herself, there were a total of 7 other people who were exposed to Covid-19 in her house.

The Covid-19 virus is still lurking for anyone, KLovers. Make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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