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Morning Stroll Ala Ananda Omesh and Family, in the Car While Still Wearing Pajamas

Morning Stroll Ala Ananda Omesh and Family, in the Car While Still Wearing Pajamas Ananda Omesh (Credit: - The weekend is always the perfect time to spend with family. That's also what presenter Ananda Omesh experienced. He spent Sunday with Dian Ayu, his wife, and their two children.

Interestingly, they spent Sunday morning with a family stroll. Their version of a stroll means driving around the neighborhood in a car. This was known from Omesh's post on Sunday (18/4) yesterday.

1. Not Yet Bathed

"This morning, waking up, not yet showering, still wearing pajamas, taken for a ride in the car," explained the man born in Sukabumi, August 21, 1986, briefly.

They not only wear pajamas but also wear denim jackets together. According to Omesh, at first only his daughter Embun wanted to wear a jacket.

2. Wearing Denim Jackets Together

"Embun wants to wear a denim jacket and finally Langit wants it too and asks everyone to wear the same jacket," he continued. Very compact, right? These denim jackets make their appearance still cool even when wearing pajamas.

The Covid-19 pandemic has not yet passed while the desire to go out is unstoppable. Finally, going for a ride in the car is the choice of Omesh and his family to stay safe. Wow, could this be an option for KLovers too?

3. Remember Mother's Message

The Covid-19 virus continues to lurk anyone. Make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and keep your distance. Hopefully KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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