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Bambang Putra Bebi Romeo Enters the Recording Studio, Netizens Hope He Will Replace Joshua Suherman

Bambang Putra Bebi Romeo Enters the Recording Studio, Netizens Hope He Will Replace Joshua Suherman Bebi Romeo (Credit: - Apparently, the Covid-19 pandemic did not hinder several public figures from being productive. Many ventured into businesses, and many also produced works. This time, it's the little Bambang, the son of Bebi Romeo and Meisya Siregar.

Yes, as KLovers know, in 2016 Bebi and Meisya were blessed with a son. The child named Muhammad Bambang Arr Reybach is now growing up and even daring to enter the recording studio.

1. Entering the Recording Studio

This was known from Meisya's Instagram post on Monday (19/4) yesterday. She uploaded a photo of Bambang in the studio complete with headphones.

"Yeay Bambang enters the recording studio again! Wait for it, Uncle Aunt. There's a surprise," wrote the 42-year-old woman happily.

2. Will He Become Joshua's Replacement?

The post was instantly flooded with comments from netizens. Many congratulated him, while others openly hoped that Bambang would become Joshua Suherman's replacement. Well, what do you think, KLovers?

The pandemic may not be over yet, but that doesn't stop anyone from being productive, including Bambang. Besides that, make sure to always #IngatPesanIbu (remember mother's advice). Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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