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Mongol Stres Reveals the Facts of His Eventful Past to Gus Miftah

Mongol Stres Reveals the Facts of His Eventful Past to Gus Miftah Mongol / Credit Photo: KapanLagi - Akrom Sukarya - Lately, the name Rony Imannnuel alias Mongol Stres has been widely talked about and has adorned various mass media headlines. The reason is none other than the comedian from Manado's surprising confession about his past, which was completely unknown to the public.

Mongol revealed that he used to worship the devil for 7 years. However, in 1997, after going through a long inner struggle, he made up his mind to leave the cult called the First Satanic Church.

A year after leaving the cult, the man born on September 27, 1978, set foot in Jakarta to attend free seminary school. Unfortunately, Mongol had to experience the harshness of life in the capital city. He was deceived by someone.

Not giving up easily, Mongol, who at that time only had Rp 100,000, was willing to work from morning to night to survive. As a result, he reached a point where he could earn Rp 800,000 per day.

1. Once Imprisoned

Mongol's life challenges didn't stop there. The 37-year-old comedian was known to have been imprisoned while working as Dirly Idol's assistant and spent two months as an inmate at Class II Cipinang Prison in East Jakarta. He shared this story with Gus Miftah when he was a guest on the 'Ngobrol Bareng Gus Miftah' program, which will also feature his 'new look'.

"If my face looks like Mongol, we are already under pressure because the accusations are always about pickpocketing or hypnotism," Mongol said to Gus Miftah.

Together with Fanny Ghassani, the co-host, Gus Miftah will delve into Mongol's journey, starting from his dark past when he was involved in a satanic worship sect, his bitter experience in prison, and the twists and turns of his struggle to overcome the challenges of being a child of a mother who is a survivor of mental disorders (ODGJ). The conversation between the two will not only entertain but also carry the value of a Mongol's struggle.

"Why do I prefer walking sports over running? Because life is about the journey, not the escape," said Gus Miftah.

The facts of Mongol's life will be aired on the 'Ngobrol Bareng Gus Miftah' program tonight, Friday, July 23, at 21:00 WIB only on iNews. Don't miss it!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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