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Must be Buried Alive When Playing the Main Role in the Movie 'SIKSA KUBUR', Faradina Mufti: The Scenes Are Unbelievable

Must be Buried Alive When Playing the Main Role in the Movie 'SIKSA KUBUR', Faradina Mufti: The Scenes Are Unbelievable © Herdianto - Actress Faradina Mufti is trusted to play the main role in the latest movie directed by Joko Anwar titled SIKSA KUBUR. Surely there are many challenges that this 34-year-old woman has to face in the movie SIKSA KUBUR.

When met at Epicentrum XXI, South Jakarta, on Wednesday afternoon (13/3), Faradina Mufti revealed her experience when being buried alive in a scene. For her, the scene is truly unbelievable.

"I can't believe it. The scene is truly unbelievable," said Faradina Mufti.

1. Experiencing Difficulties

Faradina Mufti also said that the scene of being buried alive was quite difficult technically. Nevertheless, Dimas Djay's wife felt more emotional turmoil when she was actually covered in soil.

She also added that the scene of being buried alive was the only shooting experience that left a lasting impression on her mind.

2. Mixed Feelings

"Difficult, really difficult. It feels mixed up. At first, I was just like, 'Okay, it's just a movie'. But once I was inside, it was indeed different," she said.

"I mean, this is about what has been instilled in us about the grave, and it finally happened to me," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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