Sad news came from senior actress Nani Wijaya. The actress who played Emak in BAJAJ BAJURI passed away on March 16, 2023 at the age of 78. The body, which will be buried at TPU Karang Tengah, is currently at the funeral home. Here are some photos of the atmosphere at the late Nani Wijaya's funeral home.
Nani Wijaya Passes Away, 10 Photos of Grief-Stricken Funeral Home - Body Bathed with the Accompaniment of Relatives' Cries
How are Indonesian Celebrities
The mourning atmosphere is truly felt around the funeral home located in Sentul.
As is known, the news of Nani Wijaya's passing was announced by her own daughter, Cahya Kamila, through Instagram on Thursday (16/3) morning.
"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun, our beloved mother has peacefully passed away, Mrs. Hj. Nani Widjaya at RS Fatmawati on March 16, 2023 at 3:28 AM," wrote Cahya Kamila.
In the same opportunity, Cahya also apologized for all of Nani Wijaya's mistakes during her lifetime.
Before passing away, precisely at the beginning of March, Nani Wijaya was taken to the hospital in critical condition and experienced shortness of breath, so she had to undergo intensive treatment.
At home, preparations for the funeral of the deceased have been busy since early morning before being buried at TPU Karang Tengah.
The yellow flag as a symbol of death, announcement boards, and funeral tents have been set up in front of the deceased's residence.
The body of Nani Wijaya has arrived at the funeral home since dawn.
With tears of sorrow, the family accompanies the procession of washing the body carried out by the funeral tent.
The entire team expresses condolences for the passing of Nani Wijaya. May the deceased be given the best place in His presence.
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