Netizens' Adorable Interaction, Portraits of Fuji & Gala Taking Photos Together on the Front Terrace of Their New Home
Celebrity Activities

"Memorable photo for Gala's big day," Fuji wrote in the caption of her upload. Fuji has just recently acquired a new luxurious house that resembles a palace.

This picture of Fuji and Gala instantly caught the attention of netizens. Many netizens commented on how Gala has grown so much.

However, there are also netizens who are not ready to accept that Gala is growing up so fast. One thing is for sure, netizens find Fuji and Gala's interactions in front of the house adorable.

This child of the late Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah has become the center of attention for netizens since becoming an orphan. As Gala's aunt, Fuji is now accompanying her in her growth and development.

Frans Faisal, Fuji's older brother, also joined in the comments. He mentioned that the flower pot in this photo was borrowed from their neighbor.

By the way, this is the front view of Fuji's newly purchased luxurious house. This house is located in the Cilandak Townhouse area and is estimated to be worth more than 10 billion Indonesian Rupiah.

This luxurious house, like a palace, was obtained by Fuji through her hard work in the entertainment world, which certainly was not easy.

As it is known, Fuji's emergence in the entertainment world is accompanied by various criticisms and condemnations from netizens who consider her quite controversial and opportunistic.
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