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Never Revealed, Peek at 8 Luxurious Photos of Desire Tarigan's Mother's House - There's a Rat Alley

Never Revealed, Peek at 8 Luxurious Photos of Desire Tarigan's Mother's House - There's a Rat Alley


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Never Revealed, Peek at 8 Luxurious Photos of Desire Tarigan's Mother's House - There's a Rat Alley

The name Desire Tarigan is not unfamiliar, she is the mother of Bams from the former band Samsons. Desire's divorce with Hotman Sitompul was once the talk of netizens, they separated with a lot of drama. Rarely revealed, take a look at Desire Tarigan's luxurious and huge house.


Natahlie Holscher came to visit Desire Tarigan's house. Even from the front yard, it already looks very luxurious, with transparent doors and two large vases adorning the entrance.


In the living room, there is a warm atmosphere with a combination of cream and beige colors. Desire made this room minimalist but beautiful to look at.

Never Revealed, Peek at 8 Luxurious Photos of Desire Tarigan's Mother's House - There's a Rat Alley

Desire really likes ceramic collections, even in this room all the cabinets are filled with ceramics. For those here, the ceramics are for sale, you know.

Never Revealed, Peek at 8 Luxurious Photos of Desire Tarigan's Mother's House - There's a Rat Alley

Desire's house is very big, there is a path she calls the mouse alley to go to the next room. KLovers will surely be surprised to see the size of this former wife of Hotman Sitompul's house.


The atmosphere displayed is very different from the previous room, here there are a lot of wooden furniture. Desire lives with her beloved mother.

Never Revealed, Peek at 8 Luxurious Photos of Desire Tarigan's Mother's House - There's a Rat Alley

Here, there are even more ceramics that she collects at fantastic prices. For the ceramics in this room, they are not for sale although if they were, the price would increase.


In addition to ceramics, Desire also loves plants. In the backyard, it is very green and beautiful, Nathalie is even curious whether this spacious and beautiful yard can be rented?


For those who like to watch Desire's cooking content, they must be familiar with the glass kitchen in the back. So it's a place where Desire creates content and can enjoy the beauty of the backyard of her house.