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Newly Married, Former Child Singer Tegar Septian Announces Wife's Pregnancy

Newly Married, Former Child Singer Tegar Septian Announces Wife's Pregnancy Tegar and Sarah © instagram/tegar_official - Good news comes from singer Tegar Septian. This newly married man is now ready to become a father. Yes, Tegar's wife is currently pregnant with their first child.

The happy news was shared by this 18-year-old man through his personal Instagram account, @tegar_official. With joy, the famous singer of the song Aku Yang Dulu Bukanlah Yang Sekarang showed the results of his wife's pregnancy test.

1. Happy Tegar

Tegar is so happy with his beloved wife's pregnancy. This news is the best gift for them in this blessed Ramadan month.

"Alhamdulillah this year we are blessed and entrusted by Allah.
In this Ramadan month, Tegar is accompanied by his wife and alhamdulillah Allah has entrusted Tegar to become a father," Tegar wrote.

2. Happy Sarah

Meanwhile, Sarah is also happy with Tegar. Through her personal account, Tegar's wife, who is 5 years older than him, announced that she will soon become a mother.

"Alhamdulillah this year we are blessed and entrusted by Allah.
In this Ramadan month, I am accompanied by my husband and entrusted to become a mother," Sarah wrote.

3. Newly Married

This pregnancy is a very happy wedding gift for Tegar and his wife. This couple just got married on March 22, 2020, and now they are ready to become parents.

Congratulations on your wife's pregnancy and may she always be healthy.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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