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Gigi Hadid Pregnant with Zayn Malik's Child, Dua Lipa Can't Wait to Be an Aunt

Gigi Hadid Pregnant with Zayn Malik's Child, Dua Lipa Can't Wait to Be an Aunt Dua Lipa - Gigi Hadid @ Splashnews - The news of Gigi Hadid's pregnancy has become a hot topic in recent days. The 20-year-old beautiful model is ready to start a family with Zayn Malik.

Despite their on-and-off relationship, the love between Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik never fades. Surprisingly, this happy news is not only welcomed by the couple, but also by Dua Lipa.

As Anwar Hadid's girlfriend, Dua is also happy to welcome her future sister-in-law's pregnancy. She directly expressed this during an interview with The Edge, a radio station from New Zealand.

1. Dua Lipa's Reaction

"Yes, it's very exciting news. We are all very, very happy," said Dua Lipa in response to the radio host's question.

When asked further about it, Dua finally admitted that she already knew about the pregnancy news. The singer of "Don't Start Now" kept the news a secret because Gigi wanted to make the announcement in her own way.

2. Gigi Hadid Confirmation

As conveyed directly by Gigi through a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon. She admitted that she wanted to make a special announcement, but unfortunately the pregnancy news circulated earlier in the media.

"Thank you so much. Actually, we wanted to announce (this pregnancy) in our own way. We are very excited and happy for all the prayers and support from everyone," said Gigi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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9 Beautiful Photos of Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's Wife, Currently Pregnant with Their Second Child

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9 Beautiful Photos of Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's Wife, Currently Pregnant with Their Second Child