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Nikita Mirzani Admits She Was Infected with Covid-19 a Month Ago

Nikita Mirzani Admits She Was Infected with Covid-19 a Month Ago Nikita Mirzani ©®/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - Artist Nikita Mirzani apparently has been exposed to the coronavirus. She was declared positive for Covid-19 during the swab test she took a month ago.

"A month ago. I was positive for only 3 days," said Nikita Mirzani when met in South Jakarta area on Monday (28/12).

1. Wanted to Announce to the Public

She wanted to announce to the public about her condition being infected with the coronavirus. However, it was not done because when she took another test, she was already declared negative.

"So, here's the thing, I wanted to post on Instagram that I was infected with Covid-19. But when I did a swab test with my child, I was negative. So I thought, if I'm still positive on day 3-5, I will announce that I'm infected. Turns out, after three days of swab tests, it was negative," she said.

2. OTG Patients

This mother of three children admitted that when she was declared exposed to Covid-19, she was included in asymptomatic or OTG patients. That's why she felt healthy before taking a swab test.

"I have no symptoms, I don't have a fever, my nose is not stuffy. I even eat a lot," she said.

3. Quick Recovery Tricks

When asked further about what she did to recover quickly, Nikita revealed some simple tricks. According to her, she only needs to regularly consume vitamins and exercise.

"Turns out the vitamins I consume are really good, and also exercise, I am a sports lover, so maybe that's why," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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