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Exclusive Interview with George Clooney, About the Dying Earth in the Film 'THE MIDNIGHT SKY'

Exclusive Interview with George Clooney, About the Dying Earth in the Film 'THE MIDNIGHT SKY' George Clooney, actor and director of THE MIDNIGHT SKY - George Clooney once captivated us with his extraordinary drama with Sandra Bullock in GRAVITY (2013). Not only presenting stunning visuals, the film depicted the struggle of two astronauts who needed each other because they were the only ones floating in the vast outer space.

On December 23, Clooney returns in a science fiction drama film set in outer space. The title is THE MIDNIGHT SKY. In this film, he plays Augustine, a professor who chooses to stay at a station in the Arctic even though people are flocking to find shelter to save themselves.

Not without reason, Ausgustine (played by Clooney) feels the need to contact the spaceship, Aether, which is the only hope for humanity to survive from a dying Earth. What actually happened to Earth?

KapanLagi had the opportunity to interview George Clooney about his new film. We asked about the story it carries, and also Clooney's creative process in making this film. This is the sixth time he has sat as a director and starred in it. Read the full interview below. 

Question: You have previously starred in two films about astronauts and outer space, SOLARIS and GRAVITY. How did both films influence your approach to directing this film?

George Clooney:
"Funny thing is, I didn't consider this to be a story about astronauts in general, but rather set in two worlds (Earth and outer space). However, after working on space films with Sodebergh and Alfonso Cuaron, two of the best directors in this field, I knew how to direct this film. They told me what to avoid and I knew what to avoid. They also told me what works effectively. So they gave me a lot of shortcuts, so I don't have to stumble while working on this film"

KapanLagi: I heard that this film was also inspired by the film THE REVENANT and GRAVITY. What did you take from both films?

George Clooney: Innarittu is a great director, especially in THE REVENANT. And the writer of THE REVENANT (Mark L.Smith) also wrote the story for this film. There is a common thread of a story about humans facing nature in both films. While GRAVITY clearly discusses outer space. However, this film is actually a small-scale and intimate story about someone. What is presented on the screen is grand and vast, but the story is very intimate.

KapanLagi: Unlike most other apocalyptic films where the perspective is from a big character, such as a head of state, heroic astronauts, or combat troops, this film instead takes simple characters. What are the challenges in working on something different like this?

George Clooney: 
I feel that the main recipe in telling any story is to make it personal. For example, I will tell a story about Darfur, Sudan, and we talk about thousands of people being killed. That is a large number and not everyone can immediately understand it. But when you take the example of one child and tell their story, it will have a greater impact on everyone. It is very important to anchor the story of THE MIDNIGHT SKY in the stories of its characters. It can make the story in the film have a greater impact.

KapanLagi: Without giving us spoilers, what actually happens on Earth in this film?

George Clooney: We designed, I specifically designed it so that your imagination can play there. Your imagination is much stronger than what I can tell or show in the film. There are many ways we can actually tell it, the main thing is actually what humans do to each other. We can ignore science and tell that the Earth is affected by climate change and its atmosphere explodes. We can also make countries hate each other and start a nuclear war. There are many ways we can make it sensational in movies. And now we are facing a pandemic too. There are other versions we can tell. For me, the question is not what happened, but how we can get there and what can be done to avoid it.

Kapanlagi: The comments column of this film trailer is filled with reactions that this film accurately depicts the current pandemic situation. Do you agree?

George Clooney: Unfortunately, that's true. This film tells about how people can go home safely. This is a film about how people strive to communicate with each other. How they can get close to their loved ones. And now all of us are experiencing different versions of 'I want to be with my parents now'. But we can't. What the film then tries to convey, and I think it's also important now, is about hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a strong reason to fight, to stay alive.

KapanLagi: What challenges did you face as a director in this film?

George Clooney: As a director, making a space film is difficult. As a director, it would be much easier to be in a snowy environment, holding a camera and feeling the cold of the snow. Like that. But for the space scenes, you need 9 months of preparation. You choose which scenes you want to show, 9 months in advance, before you build the set. It's more detailed and complicated. However, it must be acknowledged that it is more enjoyable when working on something that I didn't know before.

KapanLagi: In your opinion, is this a film that is suitable for viewers to reflect on what will happen?

George Clooney: There are many films for reflection. But what I like about this film is the topic of what we can do for others. How well we can treat others. About how we can make the future better by listening to what scientists say about the Earth. Especially, how we can treat others with a good heart.

George Clooney when we contacted via Zoom.

THE MIDNIGHT SKY will be released on December 23. This film stars George Clooney, Felicity Jones, Kyle Chandler, and David Oyelowo. Throughout the story, you will be taken to two main settings, Earth on the verge of dying and the Aether spacecraft, where a group of astronauts carry out a mission to save humanity. Enjoy watching it, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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