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Nikita Mirzani: Has a Very Strong Connection with Betsalel, Always Hurt

Nikita Mirzani: Has a Very Strong Connection with Betsalel, Always Hurt Betsalel and Nikita Mirzani © Instagram/mozawahyu - Nikita Mirzani had a romantic relationship with a French guy named Betsalel. They even had a pre-wedding-like photoshoot, which made their relationship the talk of the town.

Unfortunately, Niki and Betsalel's relationship didn't last long. They were reported to have broken up since late 2019. And Niki revealed the reason for their breakup during her collaboration on Jessica Iskandar's Youtube channel recently.

"The foreign guy didn't work out because he's still young. It's not a gimmick, he's only 21 years old, while Niki is 33, so there's a 13-year age difference. Well, it's a waste of time," Niki explained to Jedar.

1. Betsalel Gedong, Cucok dan Selalu Bikin Terluka

Although they have broken up, it doesn't mean that Niki and Betsalel are enemies. In fact, the mother of three still remembers many things or sweet memories with Betsalel.

"(Betsalel) is very Gedong. Very compatible. Always hurt. So it's not just because of love, there must be Gedong, " said Niki, making Jedar laugh out loud.

Before the viewers misunderstand, Jedar quickly clarified. "What I mean is the Gedong of his feelings, his intention must be sincere," continued Jedar.

2. Watch the Video!

Video by: Jessica Iskandar


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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