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Join Shin Min Ah, Kim Woo Bin Officially Joins AM Entertainment

Join Shin Min Ah, Kim Woo Bin Officially Joins AM Entertainment Kim Woo Bin - Shin Min Ah. Credit: GIORDANO - Kim Woo Bin is one of the famous South Korean actors. As known, in recent years, he has been on hiatus due to his battle with cancer.

Now that he is said to have recovered, Kim Woo Bin seems ready to return to the entertainment world. For this new phase, the boyfriend of Shin Min Ah has decided to leave his old agency.

Kim Woo Bin is now under the management of a new agency, curious about how it will be?

1. New Agency

On February 10, 2020, AM Entertainment, an agency, confirmed that they have signed an exclusive contract with Kim Woo Bin.

"We will provide full and good support for all of Kim Woo Bin's activities, which will include, but not limited to, dramas and films. Please show a lot of interest and support for his future activities," they expressed.

2. Joining Shin Min Ah

AM Entertainment itself is an agency that houses a number of famous stars, including the beautiful actress Shin Min Ah.

Yup, as known, Woo Bin is currently in a romantic relationship with Shin Min Ah. With the actor's move, they are now under the same agency.


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