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Expressing Impressions of Each Other, Ko Sung Hee and Yoon Hyun Min Compliment Each Other

Expressing Impressions of Each Other, Ko Sung Hee and Yoon Hyun Min Compliment Each Other Drama 'MY HOLO LOVE' ©Netflix - Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee share their stories about their impressions of each other after being cast in the drama MY HOLO LOVE. They first met in this romantic fiction drama.

Yoon Hyun Min's first impression of Ko Sung Hee turned out to be quite surprising. He thought that the handsome actor was cold and difficult to approach. However, this impression faded away as they got to know each other.

"At first, I thought he was someone who was difficult to approach, cold, but it turns out he is humorous, fun, and has a good sense of humor," said Ko Sung Hee.


1. Matching with Characters in the Drama

Unlike Ko Sung Hee, Yoon Hyun Min revealed that his co-star had a very contrasting impression. Yoon Hyun Min revealed that Ko Sung Hee seemed very energetic at first. However, after getting to know her better, his co-star had a gentle character and was very suitable for portraying the character in the drama.

"After knowing her for a longer time, she is a gentle person, I think she is very suitable for the character in the drama to the point that I think they are similar people," said Yoon Hyun Min.

2. Each Character in the Drama

The drama MY HOLO LOVE itself is currently being discussed by Korean drama lovers. This drama tells the story of a lonely woman who has a handsome hologram friend.

Ko Sung Hee portrays a character named Han So Yeon, a girl who cannot recognize and differentiate people's faces. Due to her unusual condition, Han So Yeon decides to live a secluded life.

Yoon Hyun Min plays two characters in this drama, he plays the role of a hologram who is good friends with Han So Yeon. He also portrays a character named Go Nan Do, who is the developer of the AI program for the hologram. Go Nan Do slowly falls in love with Han So Yeon.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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