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Main Drama 'MY HOLO LOVE', Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee Want to Do This If They Have a Hologram Friend

Main Drama 'MY HOLO LOVE', Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee Want to Do This If They Have a Hologram Friend MY HOLO LOVE. Credit: Netflix - Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee are paired in a drama titled MY HOLO LOVE, which is aired by Netflix. Many Korean drama lovers are enthusiastic about this new project.

MY HOLO LOVE tells the story of a hologram human (Yoon Hyun Min) and a genius programmer (Ko Sung Hee). Surely, the connection between them will grow into a unique love story.

Recently, the team had the opportunity to participate in a video conference and ask about the drama with Yoon Hyun Min and Kong Sung Hee.

1. Chemistry

Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee, who are the main characters in the drama MY HOLO LOVE, once talked about building chemistry. It went smoothly because they have a lot in common.

"First, he is very kind. We get along very well, I feel very comfortable with him. We worked hard to build chemistry because we were friends like neighbors. That's why we can work well together even on set. What about you?" Ko Sung Hee asked Yoon Hyun Min.

"I can quickly get to know the actress next to me. Actually, we live in the same area, and we both have dogs. This is the first time I can quickly get close to someone because usually it takes me a long time. It really helped a lot in building our chemistry," said Yoon Hyun Min.

2. Hologram Friend

Human holograms have become the main topic in the drama MY HOLO LOVE. So, what will Yoon Hyun Min and Koo Sung Hee do if they have a hologram friend?

"I want him to sleep beside me and calm me down with gentle claps until I feel at ease," answered Ko Sung Hee.

"I want to go back to school. During exams, my hologram friend would copy all the answers from my classmates to rank first, study at Harvard, take me to a beautiful world, and become the president," concluded Yoon Hyun Min.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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