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Undergo Shooting 'MY HOLO LOVE', Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee Reveal the Most Difficult Scene

Undergo Shooting 'MY HOLO LOVE', Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee Reveal the Most Difficult Scene Drama 'MY HOLO LOVE' ©Netflix - The latest Korean drama on Netflix, MY HOLO LOVE is currently a hot topic among Korean drama lovers. The intriguing and imaginative storyline has made the audience very curious.

The two main actors in this drama, Yoon Hyun Min and Ko Sung Hee, shared many stories about the drama. They revealed their experiences during the shooting process of MY HOLO LOVE. They also talked about the scenes that they found most difficult.

1. Skating Scene

Ko Sung Hee admitted that the most difficult scene she had to perform in MY HOLO LOVE was the skating scene. She even had to practice for hours to be able to do it successfully. She was also assisted by the director of the drama.

"The skating scene is a scene I cannot miss, and I practiced for hours to be able to do it," said Ko Sung Hee.

Yoon Hyun Min also admitted that it was difficult for him to hold back his laughter while watching Ko Sung Hee perform the scene. He even confessed that he really wanted to tease his co-star.

"Watching her skate is a scene that I cannot forget. I laugh when I see it, and I want to tease her," added Yoon Hyun Min.

2. Portraying Two Characters

Unlike Ko Sung Hee, the most difficult scene for Yoon Hyun Min was when he had to switch between the characters of Holo and the original human, Go Nando. Because these two characters have contrasting personalities, he had to adjust the traits of each character. In addition, every time he switched roles, he had to shower and clean himself. He even showered up to seven times a day to switch characters.

"I have to shower seven times a day, I have to switch my character from Holo to Nando seven times. I feel like the cleanest person on the filming set," he added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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