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Not Embarrassed Even Though Famous Artists, Here are a Series of Ussy Sulistiawaty's Photos Eating Food on the Sidewalk

Not Embarrassed Even Though Famous Artists, Here are a Series of Ussy Sulistiawaty's Photos Eating Food on the Sidewalk


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Not Embarrassed Even Though Famous Artists, Here are a Series of Ussy Sulistiawaty's Photos Eating Food on the Sidewalk

Ussy Sulistyawati certainly lives a glamorous entertainment life and is used to using luxury goods. However, even though she has become a famous celebrity, the wife of Andhika Pratama doesn't mind eating food on the sidewalk.

How does Ussy Sulistiawaty's simple style of eating on the sidewalk look like? Let's take a peek together!


Here is a photo of Ussy looking relaxed while enjoying pecel lele at a roadside stall.


Together with Amel, one of her daughters, Ussy tries out the meatball soup on the roadside in the Bintaro area.


The mother of five children also invited her mother-in-law to eat sop kaki at a tent stall by the roadside.


Ussy seemed nostalgic for her favorite chicken noodles since her college days.


Both of them also appeared relaxed while enjoying street food.


Together with her husband, Andhika Pratama, Ussy captured the moment of eating satay by the roadside as well.


This celebrity couple is not ashamed to show that they also often enjoy simple food. Here is a relaxed portrait of Ussy and Andhika when trying Padang cuisine by the roadside.


Although being a famous artist, Ussy doesn't hesitate to eat in the market area. She was seen enjoying eating meatballs and siomay complete with drinking herbal medicine.