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Not Just Dazzling as a Model, Here are Several Cool Moves of Eddy Meijer, Maudy Koesnaedi's Son, When Playing Basketball

Not Just Dazzling as a Model, Here are Several Cool Moves of Eddy Meijer, Maudy Koesnaedi's Son, When Playing Basketball Cool Moves of Eddy Meijer, Maudy Koesnaedi's Son, When Playing Basketball (credit: instagram/maudykoesnaedi) - The figure of Eddy Meijer, the only child of Maudy Koesnaedi, is known to have started to enter the entertainment world, especially modeling. Several times, Eddy was seen showing off his posing skills in front of the camera and walking on the catwalk. When appearing as a model, Eddy Meijer's charm is beyond doubt.

Not only talented in modeling, Eddy Meijer also has other talents. The owner of the full name Eddy Maliq Meijer is also skillful in several sports, one of which is basketball. Even, Eddy's ability in basketball is no less impressive than his modeling talent.

Curious about what Eddy Meijer, the son of Maudy Koesnaedi, looks like when playing basketball? Let's take a look at some of his pictures below.


1. Impressive Performance in Basketball

Eddy's moves in basketball are just as cool and impressive as when he walks on the catwalk. When he carries the ball, Eddy looks very convincing and confident.


2. Sports with his Mother

Maudy Koesnaedi is known to be very close to her only son, Eddy Meijer. In the midst of their busy schedules, Maudy and Eddy often spend time together. One of their activities is playing basketball together.


3. Inherited Hobby

In one of her posts, Maudy Koesnaedi revealed an interesting fact about Eddy's hobby of playing basketball. Apparently, this hobby has been passed down in Maudy's family.

"Hey Ma, Eddy is now playing basketball too. Just like the other kids and grandkids. But it seems like Eddy will be the tallest....," wrote Maudy in one of the posts that showed her playing basketball with Eddy.


4. A Leisure Activity

Eddy Meijer seems to have made basketball one of his hobbies or favorite activities. It's evident that he often plays basketball during his free time, even when he was on vacation in the Netherlands recently. In the midst of the cold weather, Eddy still enthusiastically played basketball with his mother.


5. Always Looking Fit

Having a hobby of exercising, Eddy has an athletic body and always looks fit. In his daily life, Eddy's appearance always looks healthy, fresh, and fit. So it's no wonder that with his physical condition, Eddy managed to enter the modeling world like now. 


6. Like a Professional Athlete

On the catwalk, Eddy looks like a professional model. Not much different, when playing on the field, Eddy also looks like a professional athlete. Moreover, when playing basketball, Eddy wears special sportswear for basketball players. Truly makes Eddy look like a real basketball athlete. 


7. Be the Best in Training

Although it's just a hobby, Eddy Meijer seems to take basketball seriously. It's proven that some time ago Eddy participated in a training held by DBL Academy Junior. In that training, Eddy even became one of the participants who received the best title.  

That's a series of Eddy Meijer's portraits while playing basketball. How about KLovers, Eddy's appearance while playing basketball is really cool, not inferior to when he appeared as a model, right?  



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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