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Not to mention drugs, Bintang Emon claims that he has never even smoked, drank alcohol, or went clubbing

Not to mention drugs, Bintang Emon claims that he has never even smoked, drank alcohol, or went clubbing © Akrom Sukarya/Adrian Utama Putra - Comedian Bintang Emon was accused by several newly created accounts after his response video regarding the public prosecutor's demand for the alleged perpetrator of the acid attack on Novel Baswedan went viral. These accounts claimed that Bintang Emon was confused because he ran out of money to buy drugs.

Bintang Emon even spent Rp 1.6 million from his own pocket for a urine test to debunk the negative rumors about him, and the result was negative for drugs. In a podcast on the YouTube channel of Deddy Corbuzier, this 24-year-old comedian also emphasized that he has never even smoked, drank alcohol, went clubbing, let alone used illegal drugs.

"So you don't smoke, you don't drink alcohol, you don't go clubbing, you don't do drugs?" asked Deddy Corbuzier, and Bintang Emon confirmed all of them.

1. Once Trapped by Friends

Although never intentionally drinking, Bintang Emon apparently has an interesting story related to alcoholic beverages. He admitted that he had been trapped by his own friends.

"No, I don't think so, unless in.. in this.. in what.. trapped," he said.

Bintang Emon revealed that he had been the target of his friends' pranks while hanging out together. Without his knowledge, the orange juice he drank was mixed with alcoholic beverages by his friends.

2. No One in the Family Smokes or Drinks Alcohol

Furthermore, Bintang Emon also revealed that none of his family members smoke or drink alcohol. His older brother was even shocked when he found a bottle of alcoholic beverage belonging to Bintang Emon's friend in his rented house.

"My family is like that too, like no one drinks or smokes," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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