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Nycta Gina Really Enjoys Working from Home, No Need to Think and Just Wear Pajamas

Nycta Gina Really Enjoys Working from Home, No Need to Think and Just Wear Pajamas Nycta Gina (credit: - Because of the pandemic, most people now choose to work from home. Boring? Sometimes. But there are also enjoyable things.

Just like what the beautiful presenter Nycta Gina feels. Even though she now works only from home, she can still enjoy it. Especially with her husband.

1. No Need to Wear Nice Clothes

Through a photo with her husband, Rizky Kinos, Nycta Gina also shares a brief story about the pleasure of working from home. The first thing is that she doesn't have to think about appearance.

"Working during a pandemic is so enjoyable. All events are virtual. Usually, I have to go to the event location, wear nice clothes and heavy makeup. Now, it's enough to do it from home, just wear a top. For the bottom, I can wear shorts or pajamas," writes Nycta Gina.

2. No Need for Small Talk

Another enjoyable thing for Gina is that she works with her husband. So she doesn't have to spend a lot of time thinking.

"Especially when working with your own husband. You know, no need to think too much or engage in small talk. Let Kinos do the thinking and chatting," she continued. Gina is quite something.

Well, even though we stay at home, sometimes we have to go out if there is something important. So if we have to leave the house, don't forget and #RememberMother'sAdvice to wash hands frequently, wear a mask, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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