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Officially Married, Ifan Seventeen Gives Mahar Citra Monica Dollar Money

Officially Married, Ifan Seventeen Gives Mahar Citra Monica Dollar Money Ifan Seventeen and Citra Monica © Herdianto - Vocalist of the band Seventeen, Reifan Fajarsyah or known as Ifan Seventeen, has officially become the husband of Citra Monica. They held their wedding ceremony at Pullman Hotel, West Jakarta on May 29, 2021 at around 12:00 PM.

Their wedding ceremony was solemn. They carried an all-white concept.

"Citra wore a Malay dress while I wore traditional Malay attire," said Ifan after the wedding ceremony.

1. Several Types of Dowries

Ifan said that dowry is a dowry to propose to Citra and there are several types, namely 40 grams of precious metals, a set of diamond rings, $3500 in cash, and a set of prayer tools.

"There is no special meaning to the value of the money given. The dowry is a way for the prospective husband to appreciate the prospective wife, so there is currency, there is metal," said Ifan.

2. Have Their Own Reasons

When asked about the choice of day for the wedding ceremony and reception, Ifan has his own reasons.

"Actually, I chose this date because I was waiting for my child's school holiday. My child goes to boarding school and I was waiting for the holiday, which is quite short," said Ifan.

3. Second Marriage

Just for your information, Ifan and Citra Monica's marriage is their second marriage. Ifan was previously married to Dylan Sahara, who died in the Banten tsunami in 2018.

Meanwhile, Citra Monica is known to have been married and divorced from her first husband.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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