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Once Thin During Hyperthyroidism, Here are 7 Latest Portraits of Indra Bruggman that Catch Attention

Once Thin During Hyperthyroidism, Here are 7 Latest Portraits of Indra Bruggman that Catch Attention Latest Portraits of Indra Bruggman that Catch Attention (credit: instagram/indrabruggman) - In May 2022, the appearance of Indra Bruggman caught the attention of netizens. At that moment, Indra Bruggman looked thinner and not as fresh as usual. It was recently revealed that Indra was suffering from hyperthyroidism.

However, now after more than a year, Indra Bruggman looks fresh and charming as before. Indra has recovered from his illness. The actor's latest appearance has captivated fans, especially women.

Curious about the latest portraits of Indra Bruggman after recovering from hyperthyroidism? Let's take a look at some of his portraits below.


1. Admit Once Not Confident

This is one of the portraits of Indra Bruggman a year ago, when he looked thinner than usual. At that time, many fans of Indra Bruggman were worried about the condition of their idol. Meanwhile, recently through his latest post on Instagram, Indra also admitted that he used to lack confidence when he appeared thin due to hyperthyroidism.


2. Treatment in Malaysia

Fortunately, Indra Bruggman received a lot of support from family and close friends. Indra then underwent hyperthyroid treatment in Malaysia until finally he could regain his health as before. 


3. Looking Fresh Again

After undergoing a series of treatments in Malaysia, Indra Bruggman now looks fresh again. Indra is no longer thin and weak. Fans of Indra who were previously worried can now breathe a sigh of relief. 


4. Looks Forever Young

With his latest appearance that looks fresh again, Indra Bruggman looks forever young. It is proven that at the age of 42, Indra still looks like he is in his 20s.


5. Even More Charming

Indra Bruggman's latest appearance after recovering from hyperthyroidism indeed makes him look several times more handsome. Indra's handsome face now successfully captivates the eyes of every woman. 


6. Aura of the Star Shining Brighter

Besides becoming more handsome and enchanting, Indra Bruggman's latest appearance also shows his star aura shining brighter. When sitting alongside Ivan Ray and Yusuf Surya, his co-stars in the TV series JINNY OH JINNY back then, Indra's aura was the most radiant.


7. Spreading More Positive Vibes

At the age of 42, Indra Bruggman is known to still live alone without a partner. However, it seems that Indra doesn't want to worry about it. Indra continues to live his life happily. This makes him always radiate positive vibes. Making anyone feel comfortable around him, including his beloved nieces and nephews. 

Those are some of the latest portraits of Indra Bruggman. Stay healthy, Indra!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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