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Opick Welcomes Second Son from Marriage with Bebi Silvana, Names Him after Prophet Muhammad's Beloved Person

Opick Welcomes Second Son from Marriage with Bebi Silvana, Names Him after Prophet Muhammad's Beloved Person Opick © instagram/opick_tomboati - Happy news comes from singer Opick who has just been blessed with a second son from his marriage with Bebi Silvana. The handsome baby is named Maulana Muhammad Husein Abdulloh El Firdaus.

Husein was born on Wednesday morning (6/1/2022) around seven o'clock at a hospital in Bandung. Opick continuously expresses his gratitude in welcoming his son's arrival.

"Alhamdulilah my second child with Bebi was born on June 1st, Wednesday, at seven something. He is quite big, weighs 3.3 kilos, and is 49 centimeters long," said Opick as quoted by in a virtual conference session via Zoom on Thursday night (6/2/2022).

1. Meaning of the Child's Name

Opick named his second son quite long, Maulana Muhammad Husein Abdulloh El Firdaus. Apparently, the name has a special meaning, especially when related to Islam.

"Maulana means helper, Muhammad means praiseworthy, Husein and Abdulloh mean beloved grandchildren of the Prophet, and El Firdaus is my name. All of my children have Firdaus as their last name," explained Opick in detail.

2. Based on the Beloved People of Prophet Muhammad

Furthermore, Opick explained that all of his children's names were taken from people who were beloved by Prophet Muhammad. Because he believed that there would be blessings when there is a child in the family who is beloved by the Prophet.

"My two sons are named Hasan and Husein, which are the names of the beloved male children of the Prophet. Indeed, the names of my children are taken from the names of people who were beloved by the Prophet. In one house, if there is someone beloved by Allah, there is blessings in that house," explained the singer of the song Tombo Ati.

3. Reasons for Giving Birth in Bandung

Bebi Silvana's childbirth process was carried out in a hospital in the city of Bandung. The reason is that since Ramadan, Bebi wanted to spend more time with her family rather than being alone while Opick was working.

"Since Ramadan, I had a series of tours to be carried out, while my wife wanted to have many friends at home. So she went to Bandung because there are many relatives here, so my wife is more comfortable with many companions," explained Opick.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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