Through Instagram, Kesha Ratuliu's father, Donny, was known to have held a wedding on Saturday (28/3/2020). Happiness can be seen from this family. Let's take a look at some of the photos!
Celebrity Family
Through Instagram, Kesha Ratuliu's father, Donny, was known to have held a wedding on Saturday (28/3/2020). Happiness can be seen from this family. Let's take a look at some of the photos!
Kesha shared some photos from her father's wedding. She and her siblings look very happy that their father now has a companion.
Kesha's father, who is also the brother of artist Mona Ratuliu, married a beautiful woman who is commonly called Eneng Ulan.
In her Instagram caption, Kesha explained that the wedding ceremony was only attended by 15 people and immediately dispersed to prevent the spread of the corona virus.
But Kesha asked for permission to still hug and kiss her dad. Because anyway she wants to express her happiness with her dad's wedding.
In her Insta Story, Kesha appeared to share a video of herself wearing a pastel-colored kebaya for her father's wedding ceremony.
She also took a selfie with her fiance who came along. The happiness is clearly visible on their faces.
After the event, Kesha took the time to go live on Instagram to greet her fans. Well, may Kesha's family always be happy!
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