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Pocket Money Questions for Children, Faisal Harris Has Given Cars and Housing Complexes to His Three Daughters with Sarita

Pocket Money Questions for Children, Faisal Harris Has Given Cars and Housing Complexes to His Three Daughters with Sarita Sarita Abdul Mukti and her children © - Faisal Harris has been mentioned again lately. This is after his ex-wife, Sarita Abdul Mukti, complained about their time together and after their divorce. After separating, Sarita claimed that she has not received any financial support from her ex-husband until now.

Not only that, Sarita also mentioned that her children earn pocket money through endorsements. Harris is said to only provide school expenses for their youngest child when asked. FYI, from his marriage with Sarita, Harris has three daughters named Shakilla, Shafa, and Shabina. Meanwhile, from her first marriage, Sarita has one daughter named Shania.

Harris's lawyer, Firman, clarified Sarita's statement in the program Rumpi No Secret. He conveyed Harris's explanation about pocket money for his children through the show.

1. Child Given Car and Housing

Firman mentioned that what Sarita said about the children's pocket money was not accurate. He also tried to explain what Harris had given to his three daughters.

"What is accurate is, for example, Shakilla. Information from Mas Harris to me. Shakilla has been given a housing complex. So the housing complex in Cinere is in Shakilla's name, without any guarantee to the bank. It is pure, genuine, owned by Shakilla. Then Shakilla was given a vehicle that I consider quite luxurious, a Mercedes Benz. Shafa, according to information from Mas Harris, will study in London. She is currently arranging a visa for her studies," said Firman.

2. Monthly Allowance Also

Firman also explained that it's not just that, Harris is also said to provide pocket money for their children's picnic expenses. He said each of them was also given a car.

"Mas Harris supports Shakilla up to Shabina. They were even given cars, each of them. Physical needs, including school fees, living expenses, and also spiritual needs, entertainment, and the need for picnics, everything is provided," said Firman.

3. Assets Since Birth

Basically, Harris has been providing assets since his children were born. All of those assets can be sold or developed.

"Every month, the children are provided with sustenance. Liquid (meaning it can be sold). And also business. When Shabina was born, a housing complex was given and it's liquid, without being mortgaged to a bank. The same goes for Shafa. When Shafa was born, there was a housing complex named Alia in Pasar Minggu. They already have assets and it can be developed," Firman concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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