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Portrait of Belva Devara, CEO of Ruang Guru who came all the way to the US to propose to his beloved, making it more romantic by giving her the ring in front of the MIT Dome

Portrait of Belva Devara, CEO of Ruang Guru who came all the way to the US to propose to his beloved, making it more romantic by giving her the ring in front of the MIT Dome

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Portrait of Belva Devara, CEO of Ruang Guru who came all the way to the US to propose to his beloved, making it more romantic by giving her the ring in front of the MIT Dome

Indonesian young people must be familiar with Adamas Belva Syah Devara, the founder and CEO of Ruang Guru, he is one of the intelligent young people from Indonesia. Many admire Belva who is a graduate student from two universities at the same time, Stanford University and Harvard University. His love story with his girlfriend, Sabrina Anggraini, is admired by many young people, not because they often show affection, but because they support each other's dreams and for millennials, that's really sweet. Curious about their historical moment?


Sabrina is a very intelligent and accomplished woman. Currently, she is pursuing her Master's degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


This couple goals not only inspire in terms of education but also in their love story. How about you guys, are you ready to propose to your girlfriend? Well, don't rush, you have to be stable first.


It's very surprising! Belva came to meet his girlfriend in the US and apparently wanted to propose. Sabrina must have been really shocked because she had no idea that she would be proposed to.


They have been together since October 4, 2019, in Tokyo. It's truly destiny, imagine if Belva didn't take the risk to visit Sabrina, there wouldn't be this moment of proposal in the midst of people on a picnic.


Hmm if you see the latest portrait of Belva and Sabrina, what part of Indonesia's broken heart day would you say this is?


If you look closely, Belva's proposal was very well prepared. But who would have thought that behind the formal attire, Sabrina thought it was just a photoshoot.


Belva is so romantic, proposing in front of the MIT Dome. It's guaranteed to be the most memorable day for both of them, after this, whenever Sabrina passes by there, she'll smile to herself.


Both of their faces look so happy, especially Sabrina. They say it's a mixture of being touched, salty, and shocked.


Drunk moment of Sabrina and Belva. Once again, congrats Belva and Sabrina, hopefully becoming a couple that continues to motivate millennials in terms of education, love you both.
