Kapanlagi.com - Habib Ja'far showed the inside of his house to Andre Taulany in a content on the YouTube channel Taulany TV. Unlike other celebrities who have luxurious houses, Habib Ja'far chooses to live in a simple yet comfortable house with some photo and book collections that he owns.
Habib Ja'far also told Andre Taulany about the concept of his house and showed some places that are commonly used to create content. He also collects rare books worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.
Here are some portraits of Habib Ja'far's house summarized on Friday (15/12/2023).
1. Front View of Habib Ja'far's House

Portrait of Habib Ja'far and Andre Taulany (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
Habib Ja'far begins his house tour with Andre Taulany on the terrace. Habib Ja'far's house, which also serves as his office, is located in a fairly spacious alley. He usually spends his time working and hanging out in his simple yet comfortable house.
2. Habib Ja'far's Pavilion

Portrait of Habib Ja'far's hut (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
In the corner of Habib Ja'far's house, there is a pavilion that he uses to create content and hang out with his friends. The pavilion is also adorned with several posters to cover its emptiness.
3. Habib Ja'far's Relaxing Space

Portrait of Habib Ja'far's relaxing space (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
Andre Taulany and Habib Ja'far were immediately welcomed by the relaxing space that Habib Ja'far usually uses. He admitted that he does not use chairs because he follows the Arab tradition of sitting on the floor while chatting and eating with friends.
4. Habib Ja'far's Book Collection

Portrait of Habib Ja'far's book collection (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
The next room in Habib Ja'far's house is his book collection. The hundreds of books are his collection and there are some that he sells. Habib Ja'far has had a hobby of reading since he was a child until now.
5. Rare Book Collection of Habib Ja'far

Portrait of Habib Ja'far's rare collection (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
In one of the shelves, Habib Ja'far showed Andre Taulany his rare book collection. The books are first edition prints that are very difficult to obtain and there are several books in Dutch. He mentioned that his collection of old books on the shelf is worth hundreds of millions of rupiah.
6. Photo and Award Collection of Habib Ja'far

Portrait photo and award of Habib Ja'far (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
Habib Ja'far also collects several photos he obtained from damaged books. He intentionally took and displayed photos of Soekarno from several damaged books because they are considered rare and have high historical value. In one corner of his wall, there is also an award he received when he was a speaker at one of the universities.
7. Studio Habib Ja'far

Portrait of Habib Ja'far's studio (Source: YouTube/Taulany TV)
The last room shown by Habib Ja'far is a studio commonly used for content creation. He named the room a meeting room which contains a sofa with several lighting equipment.
8. Habib Ja'far: Is He a Descendant of the Prophet?
Habib Ja'far's full name is Habib Husein Bin Ja'far Al Hadar. He was born in Bondowoso, East Java (Jatim) on June 21, 1988. According to the records of Rabithah Alawiyah, Habib Ja'far is the 38th descendant of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Meanwhile, his father's name is Ja'far with the surname Al Hadar.
9. Who is Habib Ja'far?
Habib Husein bin Ja'far Al Hadar, S.Fil.I., M.Ag. (Born June 21, 1988) is an Indonesian preacher and writer. He is a graduate of the Master of Quranic Sciences and Interpretation at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
10. Why are the Descendants of the Prophet Called Habib?
As descendants of the Prophet, a habib is supposed to be an example by reflecting noble character just like Prophet Muhammad SAW. Rabithah Alawiyah, led by Habib Zen bin Smith, also emphasizes that good character is one of the main reasons why the descendants of the Prophet are called habib.
11. What is Habib Ja'far's Major?
He then graduated as a Bachelor of Islamic Philosophy (S.Fil.I) at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta, majoring in Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy. He then continued his master's program in Quranic Sciences and Interpretation at the same university.
12. What Ethnicity is Habib Ja'far?
Husein Ja'far Al Hadar, a Madurese Blooded Habib Whose Name is Soaring. Habib Husein Bin Ja'far Al Hadar is increasingly known by the name Habib Ja'far. This preacher's name is so familiar among young people. For your information, he, who is also familiarly called Habib Husein Ja'far, is a Madurese blooded preacher.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.