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Portrait of Indra Priawan, Nikita Willy's Husband When He Was Little, His Face Looks Like Baby Issa Plek Ketiplek

Portrait of Indra Priawan, Nikita Willy's Husband When He Was Little, His Face Looks Like Baby Issa Plek Ketiplek Indra Priawan, Nikita Willy's Husband When He Was Little (credit: - Nikita Willy has recently shared a portrait of her husband, Indra Priawan, when he was little on her Instagram account. Of course, this portrait of Indra when he was little has caught the attention of the public.

It's no wonder, Nikita Willy's husband's portrait when he was little looks very similar to Baby Issa. Many people say that the cool aura possessed by Baby Issa is inherited from his father.

So, how about the portraits of the father and son who look so alike? Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Portrait of Young Indra Masih

This is a portrait of young Indra Priawan, the husband of Nikita Willy. Yup! Nikita shared a picture of her husband's childhood on her Instagram account and immediately received a lot of positive responses.

2. Positively Welcomed by Netizens

Of course, the resemblance between Nikita Willy's husband and their son when they were young received positive responses from netizens. Many netizens have the same opinion that baby Issa and his father are like two peas in a pod.

3. Resembling Papa

There are many moments that show how Indra and his son are like two peas in a pod. For example, this front-facing portrait shows the resemblance between the father and son.

4. Looks Similar From the Side

Now, in another portrait, where Indra and baby Issa look similar from the side. In this side view portrait, the shape of baby Issa's face and hair is very similar to his dad's.

5. Has a Cool Aura

In addition to their similar faces, this father and son also have the same aura. Yup! Baby Issa himself is one of the Indonesian celebrity children who has a cool side since he was little. Many netizens say that this cool side of baby Issa is inherited from his dad.

6. Moments of Vacation Together

Indra and his son, baby Issa, are indeed very close, KLovers. It is known that Indra himself often spends time with his family. One of the moments that is often done is going on a trip abroad.

7. Growing Up as a Healthy and Happy Child

Receiving a lot of love and attention from his parents, baby Issa grows up to be a healthy and happy child. This can be seen in various moments where baby Issa is very active and not afraid of new situations and things while on vacation.

Those are some childhood portraits of Indra Priawan, the husband of Nikita Willy, who looks very similar to baby Issa. In fact, this father and son are said to be like two peas in a pod.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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