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Portrait of Sarwendah and her younger sibling after undergoing plastic surgery, face still swollen - bandaged

Portrait of Sarwendah and her younger sibling after undergoing plastic surgery, face still swollen - bandaged Portrait of Sarwendah and her younger sibling after undergoing plastic surgery (Credit: Instagram/sarwendah29) - The latest portraits of Sarwendah and her younger sibling after undergoing plastic surgery have attracted public attention. In the photos, their faces can still be seen swollen and bandaged.

It is known that Sarwendah underwent a procedure to transfer fat to her face and correct wrinkles around her eyes, while her sibling chose to have a nose operation. Despite still being in the recovery period, on the second day, Sarwendah was able to eat and go for a walk.

So, what do portraits of Sarwendah and her younger sibling look like after undergoing plastic surgery? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Sarwendah and her Younger Sibling

Sarwendah is known as a celebrity who is active in various entertainment industries. Starting her career as a member of the girl band Cherrybelle in 2010, she ventured into acting and modeling. Still often in the spotlight, the portrait of Sarwendah and her sibling who recently underwent plastic surgery has attracted a lot of attention.

2. After Undergoing Plastic Surgery

Here is a portrait of Sarwendah after undergoing plastic surgery in South Korea. Being at the same clinic, it turns out they underwent different surgeries, KLovers! Sarwendah conveyed this through a Q&A feature with her followers on Instagram.

3. Face Still Swollen

After the operation, Sarwendah's face still appears swollen. This is considered normal and common after undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures. The condition will gradually improve over time. Although her face looks different, Sarwendah still appears confident to appear in front of the camera.

4. Still Bandaged

In addition to still being swollen, Sarwendah's face also appears to still be bandaged. Not the entire face, the bandage is located on the neck, chin, and head. This is what makes Sarwendah still have some difficulty speaking.

5. Sarwendah's Plastic Surgery

Sarwendah underwent a procedure to remove fat from other parts of her body and then transfer it to her face. She herself realizes that the problem arises because she is too thin. In addition, she also corrected the wrinkles around her eyes for a smoother appearance.

"I took fat from my body and transferred it to my face. It's actually a challenge for thin people," Sarwendah said on Instagram Story.

"I also have many wrinkles around my eyes, so I had them corrected by the doctor," she added.

6. Her Sister's Nose Operation

Meanwhile, it is known that Wendy, Sarwendah's sister, underwent a nose operation. The upper part of the nose was also pulled to make it easier for Wendy to wake up.

"She (Wendy) had a nose operation. The upper part of the nose was pulled because it was bothering her when she wanted to wake up," explained Sarwendah.

7. On the 2nd Day, She Can Eat and Walk

Sarwendah actively shares her latest updates on Instagram. On the second day, she can already eat and walk around. Not only with her sister, but Sarwendah also brought her children along, KLovers!

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Sarwendah and her sister after undergoing plastic surgery, and their faces are still swollen.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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