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Portrait of the Compact 3 Children of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian who are Close in Age, All Good Looking

Portrait of the Compact 3 Children of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian who are Close in Age, All Good Looking Portrait of the Compact 3 Children of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian (Credit: Instagram/fandych) - The lives of celebrity families can be said to often attract attention. Not least with the household of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian. Being an actress and actor, it is natural for the husband and wife couple to always receive attention.

Moreover, Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian are quite active in uploading portraits of togetherness with their children. Their three children, namely James, Rose, and Callum, all have good-looking appearances. It seems that they have inherited the charm of their parents.

Now, what are the portraits of the three children of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian who are close in age? Let's check out the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Dahlia Poland's Children with Fandy Christian

Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian officially became husband and wife in 2015. From their marriage that has been going on for approximately nine years, they have been blessed with three children. The portraits of their little family's togetherness are often uploaded on Instagram.

2. James Nathaniall Christian Halomoan

James Nathaniall Christian Halomoan is the first child of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian. Born on November 14, 2016, he is now seven years old. Even though he is still young, James has shown promising qualities as a handsome young man from an early age, KLovers!

3. Rose Christian

The second child of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian is named Rose Christian. She was born on May 31, 2019. As the only daughter, Rose's beauty is already radiating. She looks adorable with her long curly hair.

4. Callum Matthew Christian

Callum Matthew Christian is the third child of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian. She got pregnant with her third child when her second child was not yet one year old. Born on October 9, 2020, Callum is now three years old.

5. Close in Age

Looking at their respective birth dates, the children of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian have relatively close ages. The first child has a three-year age difference with the younger sibling. Meanwhile, the second child, Rose, is only one year and five months apart from the youngest, Callum.

6. Always Compact

In addition to being siblings, the three children of Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian also seem to be fun playmates. In various Instagram posts, their parents often share portraits of the three of them being compact.

7. Good Looking All

James, Rose, and Callum were born to the couple Dahlia Poland and Fandy Christian, who are both handsome and beautiful. It's no wonder that they have become good-looking children. All three of them are praised as good-looking children.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Dahlia Poland's children with Fandy Christian who are close in age.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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