Zul Zivilia seems to have willingly accepted the punishment for his involvement in a drug case in 2019.
A while ago, Zul's name was mentioned in connection with the international drug network of Fredy Pratama. Find out more here!
Celebrity Activities
Zul Zivilia seems to have willingly accepted the punishment for his involvement in a drug case in 2019.
A while ago, Zul's name was mentioned in connection with the international drug network of Fredy Pratama. Find out more here!
When met in the Pesanggrahan area, South Jakarta, (9/10) Retno Paradinah, Zul Zivilia's wife, revealed the current condition of her husband.
She mentioned that her husband's current condition is very healthy and his body is getting fatter.
"Alhamdulillah sehat di sana. Sehat, fisiknya gemuk seperti biasa, udah berisi," ungkap Retno.
Tentunya sebagai istri, Retno tak memungkiri bahwa kabar yang beredar soal suaminya cukup membuatnya resah.
Ia pun juga mengatakan terkait pemberitaan yang beredar, Zul Zivilia memberi tanggapan yang positif dan tak mau terlalu memikirkannya.
"Kemarin kan ketemu, nanya, terus ya dia juga kan sudah mendengar cerita langsung dari Kalapas, 'Kok beritanya kayak begini?'," ujarnya.
"He only responded to it positively," he said.
It is known that Zul was once associated with the international drug network Fredy Pratama. However, he firmly denied it.
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