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Profile and Career Journey of Maxime Bouttier, Starting from Bali Model to Hollywood Film Star

Profile and Career Journey of Maxime Bouttier, Starting from Bali Model to Hollywood Film Star Profile and Career Journey of Maxime Bouttier (credit: instagram/bouttier_maxime) - Who doesn't know Maxime Bouttier? The French-Indonesian actor, model, and musician whose name has skyrocketed in the entertainment world. Maxime, who is of mixed Indonesian-French descent, started his career as a model in Bali. Now, who would have thought that Maxime has expanded his wings to successfully star in Hollywood films alongside world-renowned actors and actresses.

Maxime's multi-talented abilities have made him even more appealing to the public. He can adapt to various roles and genres. With his talent and hard work, Maxime Bouttier has proven himself by achieving the success he enjoys today.

From a model in Bali to becoming an actor and starring in Hollywood films, Maxime Bouttier has demonstrated his talent. He has even acted alongside top global actors and actresses. His success story is worth being an inspiration for many people.

Curious about what the profile and career journey of Maxime Bouttier looks like that has brought him to this point? To find out, just take a look at the following review.

1. Background of Maxime Bouttier

Maxime Bouttier was born in Poitiers, France, on April 22, 1993. He is a unique blend of French and Indonesian cultures, with a French father and a mother from Bali. As the first child, Maxime has a younger sister named Elodie Bouttier. Although born in France, Maxime grew up and was raised in Indonesia, making him very fluent in Indonesian and connected to Indonesian culture.

His ability to speak Indonesian, French, and English makes him a unique and multicultural figure. Maxime Bouttier, with his rich background, has successfully built a career in the Indonesian entertainment industry, even reaching international levels. The religion that Maxime Bouttier adheres to is Islam.

2. Personal Life and Romance of Maxime Bouttier

Maxime Bouttier's romantic life has always attracted public attention. He was previously in a relationship with actress Prilly Latuconsina (2018-2019). After their breakup, Maxime was reported to be close to several women, including Dea Annisa (2020).

Currently, Maxime Bouttier is in a serious relationship with senior actress Luna Maya since 2022. The two are often seen together and showcase their affection on social media. Although his personal life is relatively private, the relationship between Maxime and Luna Maya has drawn public interest.

3. Maxime Bouttier's Career Journey

Maxime Bouttier started his career as a model in Bali. However, his talent in acting brought him to the soap opera NADA CINTA (2011), marking his debut in the entertainment world. After that, he starred in various titles of FTV and films.

From soap operas to feature films, Maxime Bouttier continues to hone his acting skills. He is known for his diverse roles and his ability to portray various characters. Maxime Bouttier consistently demonstrates his dedication and hard work in his career.

4. Maxime Bouttier Debuts in a Hollywood Film

The peak of Maxime Bouttier's career is marked by his role in the Hollywood film TICKET TO PARADISE (2022). This romantic comedy became a stepping stone for Maxime into the international arena.

Acting alongside big stars like George Clooney and Julia Roberts, Maxime Bouttier successfully showcased his acting skills on the world stage. His role as Gede, a Balinese man, in this film is truly captivating.

5. Films and Soap Operas Starring Maxime Bouttier

Maxime Bouttier has starred in a number of popular films and soap operas. Some of the films he has starred in include 18++ FOREVER LOVE (2012), KATA HATI (2013), BIDADARI TERAKHIR (2015), and MATT AND MOU (2019).

In addition to films, Maxime Bouttier has also starred in several soap operas, such as ARTI SAHABAT (2011), and a number of TV movies, including PETASAN CINTA MELEDAK DI HATIKU (2014) and ASINAN BETAWI BIKIN JATUH CINTA (2015). Maxime Bouttier always delivers his best performance in every project.

That’s a brief overview of the profile and career journey of Maxime Bouttier, who has successfully penetrated Hollywood filmmaking. Find interesting profiles of other public figures at If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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