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Profile and Career Journey of Nurra Datau Anak Sha Ine Febriyanti who Plays the Main Character Named KAI in the Series 'A+'

Profile and Career Journey of Nurra Datau Anak Sha Ine Febriyanti who Plays the Main Character Named KAI in the Series 'A+' Nurra Datau Profile/ Credit Photo: - Written by Ribka Ravika Sari

Aisha Nurra Datau, or commonly known as Nurra Datau, a former child actress who has now grown up. Since she was a child, she has been involved in acting in several popular films in her time. It is known that she became more popular after her role as Aqila in the film Iqro: Petualang Meraih Bintang and Iqro: My Universe when she was still young, which made her name known to many people.

Nurra is the first child of Sha Ine Febriyanti, an actress in the soap opera Banyu Biru, and Yudi Datau. Her acting talent seems to have been inherited from her parents, who are both involved in the film industry.

She is one of the talented young people, and she once received an award as the Best Child Actor in 2017. So here is the profile and biodata of Nurra Datau who is now even more charming and is also starring in the latest series A+ as Kai, one of the main characters.






1. Nurra Datau Profile and Biodata

Nurra Datau is a girl born in Jakarta on July 31, 2004. She is the first child of Sha Ine Febriyanti, an actress in the soap opera Banyu Biru, and Yudi Datau, a popular cinematographer in the Indonesian film industry. Her acting talent seems to have been inherited from both of her parents who are both involved in the entertainment industry. Meanwhile, she has one younger brother named Yan Rayn Abdullah Datau who is only a year younger than her.

It turns out that since she was a child, she has been involved in the world of acting like her mother. This 18-year-old girl began her career in acting in her first film titled Kita Versus Korupsi in 2012, playing as a customer's child in the segment Selamat Siang, Risa!. Then in 2017 and 2019, with her best role as Aqila in the film Iqro: Petualangan Meraih Bintang and Iqro: My Universe, she won an award as the best child actor at the Indonesian Film Festival (2017).

Wow, it's cool that even though she was still young, her acting skills are getting better, considering that not only did she inherit them from her parents, but Nurra also has a family blood relationship with senior film actress Mutia Datau and Nunu Datau, who is her aunt.

Behind that, Nurra, who once admitted to having a dream of becoming a camera person while shooting the film Iqro at the Bosscha Observatory, apparently also has a talent for writing short films. Even her work in writing a script for a thriller short film titled The Table of Death, together with the involvement of Michael Clarence and Banyu Bening, has been released in 2022.

Not only that, it turns out that Nurra, who seems to have a calm and gentle face, is a simple girl and has a high social spirit. As reported by Tempo Magazine, this was proven when she once participated in a humanitarian event to entertain children from families who were victims of a fire in Simprug, South Jakarta. Even from her personal Instagram posts, she is not reluctant to eat at a simple warteg lesehan in Jakarta with her simple outfit.





2. Career Journey and Busy Schedule of Nurra Datau Now

After learning briefly about Nurra's early career journey, it turns out that it doesn't stop there. She is currently reported to be involved as a voice actor for a character named Murni in the animated film Panji Tengkorak by Daryl Wilson which will be released in mid-2024.

Currently, she is also busy shooting a web series titled A+ which is adapted from a Wattpad story by Ananda Putri and directed by Fajar Bustomi. Along with several other leading young artists such as Ziva Magnolya, Livy Renata, Aliando Syarief, Rey Bong, and Antonio Blanco Jr, she plays as Kalypso Dirgantari or Kai as one of the main cast.

Moreover, during the shooting process, Nurra Datau was reportedly close to Antonio Blanco Jr as seen from her personal Instagram posts and Nio himself. Even so, her closeness with Rey Bong is also because they are co-stars in this latest series which will be released on May 25, 2023, only on Prime Video.

So that's the profile and latest update about Nurra Datau that has been summarized. Furthermore, you can keep an eye on Nurra's daily activities on her Instagram account @nurradatau and TikTok @nurradatau.






Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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