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Quality Time Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah, Chat Before Bedtime

Quality Time Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah, Chat Before Bedtime Sarwendah - Ruben Onsu. Credit: via taken on 12/3/2020 at 17.16 - As the head of the family with a lot of activities, Ruben Onsu does not have much time for his family. He admitted that he really misses his wife and children when he is busy with work.

"Yes, I miss them, especially when I have to leave early in the morning for work, they go to school, and especially when I don't get to see them at night because they are already asleep, I really miss them," said Ruben Onsu when met in Tendean, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (11/3).

1. Chat Before Bed

Although both are busy, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah have their own ways to stay harmonious. Usually before going to bed, they always chat with their children.

"Yes, if there is time, we can go out, if there is no time, each has their own goals, the important thing is to meet. At home, we usually chat before going to bed, share first before sleeping," said Sarwendah.

2. Always Make Time Even for a Short While

In addition, Ruben Onsu always invites conversation at the dining table. If there is a little time, Ruben Onsu also tries his best to invite his family to eat at the mall.

"Yes, the quality time I do at home is just chatting a lot at the table, whether it's about food or anything, for me it's one of the light but important conversations for us to discuss. Before going to bed, after finishing shooting even if it's only a short time, we can eat at the mall," concluded Ruben Onsu.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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