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Raffi Ahmad Prefers Tyas Mirasih over Nagita Slavina, Hilarious

Raffi Ahmad Prefers Tyas Mirasih over Nagita Slavina, Hilarious Nagita Slavina, Raffi Ahmad, Tyas Mirasih © Akrom Sukarya - Before marrying Nagita Slavina, Raffi Ahmad had a playboy image where he often changed girlfriends during his youth. One of the women who had been his partner was Tyas Mirasih.

Through the Trans7 Official YouTube channel on Wednesday (16/9) yesterday, Raffi Ahmad was reunited with Tyas Mirasih in a show called Okay Bos hosted by Billy Syahputra and Nagita Slavina.

At that time, on the Okay Bos show, Ferdian also appeared, where this bespectacled man suggested that Raffi, who is Rafathar's father, would stick out his tongue if he lied.

1. Choose Tyas Mirasih

On that occasion, Raffi, who had been suggested by Billy to choose between Tyas and Nagita. But at that time, Raffi instead chose Tyas over Nagita with humor.

"According to A' Bos, all women are beautiful but if there are these two beautiful girls, Nagita Slavina and Tyas Mirasih, and the boss is in the middle of the sea, and the boat can only accommodate two people, would A' Bos help Nagita Slavina or Tyas Mirasih?", Billy Syahputra asked Raffi Ahmad.

"Well, I choose my wife, I will save her first (while sticking out his tongue because of the suggestion) and then Tyas Mirasih, because she is my wife (while pointing to Nagita Slavina and also sticking out his tongue)," Raffi Ahmad answered.

2. Raffi Nervous

In addition, previously Raffi revealed that he still feels nervous when meeting Tyas Mirasih even though she was his ex-girlfriend.

"Aa boss, do you still feel nervous when you meet Tyas Mirasih?", Billy asked.

"Well, she is my ex, so it's not possible (to feel nervous)," Raffi said while sticking out his tongue.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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