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Raisa Uploads Video of Baby Zalina's Activities, So Adorable Playing with Slime Jelly

Raisa Uploads Video of Baby Zalina's Activities, So Adorable Playing with Slime Jelly Raisa - Zalina. Credit: via taken on 29/3/2020 at 15.04 - The beautiful singer Raisa is currently enjoying her role as a mother. As we know, with her husband Hamish Daud, they have a daughter named Zalina.

Through social media, Raisa and Hamish Daud often upload photos and videos of their time with their child. However, until now we haven't been able to clearly see the baby's face.

Now, most recently, Raisa uploaded an adorable video of Baby Zalina who was busy playing. Curious?


1. Raisa's Post

On Saturday (28/3) yesterday, Raisa uploaded a short video on Instagram Story. In the post, we can see the adorable behavior of Baby Zalina who is busy playing with slime jelly.

"Sensory play with Zalina today," Raisa wrote. This baby is so cute when playing!


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