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Ramzi and Irfan Hakim Excitedly Welcome Asia 2021 Action in the Month of Ramadan

Ramzi and Irfan Hakim Excitedly Welcome Asia 2021 Action in the Month of Ramadan Ramzi - Irfan Hakim (credit: - In Ramadan 2021, Indosiar is once again holding the talent search event Akademi Sahur Asia (Aksi Asia). Aksi Asia 2021 will feature participants from five Asian countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Timor Leste.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the participants' performances are held virtually. Nevertheless, Indosiar still presents shows that can entertain the viewers during suhoor.

"This is a show that is always appreciated, an example of a good Ramadan show, it contains religious teachings but also entertains. It makes suhoor more exciting," said Harsiwi Achmad, Director of Programming SCM during a virtual press conference on Thursday (1/4).

1. Not Just Entertainment But Also Guidance

Harsiwi Achmad also said that the purpose of holding this Asia Action event is not only just a competition but also for the audience to respect and learn about Ramadan traditions in various countries.

"The purpose of this Asia Action is not only competition but also for countries to respect and understand the Ramadan traditions in each country. Hopefully, it will not only be a spectacle but also guidance," said Harsiwi Achmad.

2. Enthusiasm of the Hosts

This 2021 Asia Action is even more exciting because it will be hosted by famous hosts such as Abdel, Ramzi, Irfan Hakim, Gilang Dirga, Lesti, Meli LIDA, and Agnes POPA. Ramzi and Irfan Hakim, representing the hosts, are also very enthusiastic about welcoming the 2021 Asia Action.

"This year's Asia Action adds to the spirit even though there is a pandemic, but there is an event that combines various countries. Hopefully, everyone is healthy," said Ramzi.

"I salute Indosiar for always providing a place for all lines to work and do something good," concluded Irfan Hakim.

3. Ramadan in the Midst of a Pandemic

Like before, this year's Ramadan will be spent in the midst of a pandemic situation. However, the spirit of welcoming the Holy Month remains unchanged. Make sure to always #IngatPesanIbu (remember mother's message) during activities. Starting from wearing masks, regularly washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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