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Refute the Assumption of Artists Who Like Divorce, Here are 9 Portraits of Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwito who Remain Harmonious for 42 Years of Marriage

Refute the Assumption of Artists Who Like Divorce, Here are 9 Portraits of Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwito who Remain Harmonious for 42 Years of Marriage

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Refute the Assumption of Artists Who Like Divorce, Here are 9 Portraits of Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwito who Remain Harmonious for 42 Years of Marriage

Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwito, who are senior actress and actor, have been married for 42 years last June. Throughout their decades of marriage, they have always been happy and harmonious, even though they are now rumored to be selling martabak despite being the most expensive artists before. What does their harmonious portrait look like? Let's see here.


This is the happiness of the married couple Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwiot, senior actress and actor who have been married for decades.


Both of them are so harmonious, they have been married for 42 years. Even Yati and Pangky also dismiss the assumption that artists have a hobby of getting divorced.

Refute the Assumption of Artists Who Like Divorce, Here are 9 Portraits of Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwito who Remain Harmonious for 42 Years of Marriage

In addition, their romance is still very clear and serves as a role model for young couples.


Both of them love each other equally. No wonder Yati and Pangky always look so happy until now.


The warm embrace of Yati and Pangky proves that they are full of love.

Refute the Assumption of Artists Who Like Divorce, Here are 9 Portraits of Yati Octavia and Pangky Suwito who Remain Harmonious for 42 Years of Marriage

Moreover, to keep the relationship always enjoyable, Yati and Pangky often go on trips together out of town.


This is how Yati and Pangky enjoy their vacation in Kota Tua Semarang.


And they also always attend reception events together. Hopefully, Yati and Pangky, as a married couple, will always be happy and harmonious.


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