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Related to the Funeral of Syahnaz Sadiqah's Mother-in-Law, Family Awaits the Arrival of Jeje Govinda Who Wants to See His Mother for the Last Time

Related to the Funeral of Syahnaz Sadiqah's Mother-in-Law, Family Awaits the Arrival of Jeje Govinda Who Wants to See His Mother for the Last Time Ritchie Ismail (credit: - Ritchie Ismail or Jeje Govinda, lost his mother forever. Rini, Jeje's sister, revealed that the family is still waiting for the arrival of their brother from England for the funeral of their mother, Farida Budiarti. This is done because Jeje is part of the family. Moreover, according to Rini, Jeje also really wants to see his mother for the last time.

"Actually, we also consider the situation because it is better to bury her sooner according to Islamic religion. But we have discussed with the family, and Jeje also wants to see his mother for the last time," explained Rini at the funeral home in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, on Monday (11/12/2023).

"So, God willing, tomorrow Jeje will arrive here at 10:00 AM, and we will bury her before or after noon prayer," continued Rini.

1. Jeje Estimated to Arrive on Tuesday

Rini explained that Jeje is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday (12/12/2023). The funeral is planned to take place in the Cipinang area, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, near their father's grave.

"The funeral coincidentally, my father and brother are also buried in Cipinang, Rawamangun, so maybe Mama will be there with Papa," said Rini.

2. Recently Performed Umrah

Previously, Rini explained that before passing away, her mother experienced fatigue after performing the Umrah pilgrimage.

"Mama has been sick for a long time, but maybe it wasn't felt. The last time she felt sick was when she returned from Umrah. Maybe she was tired from the Umrah journey," said Rini.

3. Requested to be Treated in the Hospital

Getting weaker, the family immediately took Farida Budiarti to the hospital. The initial diagnosis showed a gallbladder infection that required Jeje's mother to undergo intensive care in the ICU.

"It turns out that when she was examined, there was an infection in her gallbladder and a blockage in her digestive tract, and her health condition deteriorated. Then she was taken to the hospital for examination and had to be treated in the ICU," said Rini.

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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