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Responding to the Change of Governor of Jakarta, Here's Ade Fitrie Kirana's Message for Heru Budi Hartono, Anies Baswedan's Replacement

Responding to the Change of Governor of Jakarta, Here's Ade Fitrie Kirana's Message for Heru Budi Hartono, Anies Baswedan's Replacement Ade Fitrie Kirana / Photo Credit: Personal Documentation - The term of office of Anies Baswedan as the Governor of Jakarta officially ended on October 16, 2022. President Joko Widodo then appointed Heru Budi Hartono as his replacement, with the inauguration ceremony held today, Monday (10/17).

Heru Budi Hartono will serve as the Governor of Jakarta until the upcoming Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in 2024. Several figures in Jakarta society have responded positively to the change of leadership and welcomed this transition.

Complete news about Anies Baswedan can be accessed on

Ade Fitrie Kirana, an artist who is also the Chairperson of the Women and Children Protection Foundation (YPPA), expressed her hope that the issues concerning children and women in this metropolitan city should receive more attention.

"Personally and as a resident of Jakarta, I would like to express my gratitude to Anies Baswedan for his good and trustworthy service during these five years. I would also like to thank Mr. Riza Patria for his role as the Vice Governor," said Ade Fitrie Kirana when met in Jakarta on Monday (10/17/2022).



1. Jakarta Still Has Many Challenges

As a social observer, the actress who played Dewi Kembang in the soap opera Raden Kian Santang sees that Jakarta still has a large number of 'homework' that needs to be done regarding children and women.

"You can see on the streets and at traffic lights, children begging. Some become clowns, some beg. However, the place for children to grow and develop is not on dangerous and polluted streets," said Ade Fitrie Kirana.

There are also cases of sexual exploitation of underage children. "Referring to data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, for example, last year there were cases of sexual exploitation involving 15 children aged 14 to 15 as victims, including residents of Jakarta. This is certainly a serious problem concerning the future of children," she said.



2. Children's Protection Rights

The star of the soap opera Islam KTP on SCTV revealed that children's rights are clearly protected by the state through Law number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

Ade Fitrie Kirana stated that every child has the right to proper care, protection from violence, abuse, and neglect.

"And Indonesia also adopts the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, especially Article 19, which clearly states that every child has the right to proper care, protection from violence, abuse, and neglect," said Ade.

"And the protection of children's rights is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the surrounding community. Remember that all countries agree that every child has the right to a good life for their future. Most importantly, the central and regional governments need to ensure that children can survive and grow up healthy," Ade Fitrie Kirana hoped.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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