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Revealing the Reason for Choosing Vanessa Angel as Wife, Bibi Ardiansyah: Most Pleasant with Vaness

Revealing the Reason for Choosing Vanessa Angel as Wife, Bibi Ardiansyah: Most Pleasant with Vaness Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah © - On Wednesday (14/10) yesterday, the sensational couple, Bibi Ardiansyah and Vanessa Angel became guests on Nikita Mirzani's Youtube channel. Many stories were revealed by both of them, such as Bibi revealing the reason for choosing Vanessa Angel as his wife.

It all started with Nikita Mirzani asking Bibi. With that question, Bibi answered that Vanessa is the most pleasant to him.

"There were indeed other choices before Vaness, but what can I say, it's most pleasant with Vaness", said Bibi.

1. Continuous Communication

Furthermore, Bibi explained that the meaning of enjoying time with his wife, Vaness, is not something else, but rather the strong communication between him and Vaness.

"No, no, it's enjoyable, it's just that the most enjoyable thing is to have a good connection with Vaness," said Bibi.

2. Story of Relationship Problems in the Bedroom

In addition, Bibi and Vaness also talked about their sexual relationship issues with Nikita Mirzani. While still not giving birth to baby Gala, Vanessa and Bibi could have intimate relations up to 5 times a day.

However, this routine changed after the arrival of their baby. In a day, they only have intercourse once and Bibi asks for her 'quota' more often.

"Because when I was heavily pregnant, I was afraid," said Bibi Ardiansyah, as quoted from the YouTube channel Crazy Nikmir REAL.

"I was scared. I can't go slow," she continued.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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