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Ria Ricis Proposed to Teuku Ryan at the end of September 2021

Ria Ricis Proposed to Teuku Ryan at the end of September 2021 Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan (credit: - YouTuber and film actor, Ria Ricis and her boyfriend, Teuku Ryan are reportedly going to hold an engagement event in the near future. Ria Ricis' sister, Oki Setiana Dewi, said that various preparations have been made by Ria Ricis' family. Starting from the venue, location, and timing of the engagement event.

"Alhamdulillah, many friends want to participate, so we didn't have much difficulty because many friends helped in this process. So, if asked how many percent, everything is actually ready," said Oki Setiana Dewi in Bintaro, Monday (13/9/2021).

"We just have to wait for the clothes to be finished. Everything is complete, the venue is also ready. So, we just have to wait for the end of this month, God willing," continued Oki.

Before holding the engagement event, Oki said that the two families have already met. However, the meeting was done virtually through Zoom.

"Today, I said that there were several preliminary meetings through Zoom because these meetings were to get to know each other from the extended family," she said.

1. Introducing the Extended Family

During the virtual meeting, both parties introduced their respective extended families. This was done so that both families could get to know each other.

"Discussing family through Zoom may initially help us get to know each other's families better because marriage, as we know, doesn't just involve two people but brings together extended families, so introductions are necessary," he said.

The engagement ceremony of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan is planned to be held at the end of September 2021. Oki said that previously, the engagement ceremony of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan was held at a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) for Quran memorizers in the Bintaro area of South Tangerang.

2. Engagement Ceremony Moved to Another Location

However, due to the ongoing implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) during the Covid-19 pandemic, the engagement ceremony has been moved to another predetermined location.

"For the engagement ceremony at the end of this month, God willing, if Allah permits, after our family meeting, we will start looking for a venue. Initially, we wanted to hold it at the pesantren, but considering the current PPKM situation and the recitation activities at the pesantren, we decided to change the location," Oki concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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