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Ridwan Kamil's Family Has Accepted and Believed Eril's Death, MUI West Java Invites Indonesian Muslim Community to Perform Funeral Prayer

Ridwan Kamil's Family Has Accepted and Believed Eril's Death, MUI West Java Invites Indonesian Muslim Community to Perform Funeral Prayer Ridwan Kamil's Family © - The search for Emmeril Khan Mumtadz or Eril in the Aare River continues until now. After previously joining the SAR team, Ridwan Kamil and Atalia Praratya bid farewell before deciding to return to Indonesia.

Meanwhile, MUI West Java held a meeting to discuss the status of Ridwan Kamil's son. It was revealed that the governor, along with his wife, child, and other family members, have accepted and believed that Emmeril Khan Mumtadz has passed away.

This news was spread directly by the Jabar Juara Volunteers through various social media platforms. MUI West Java even held a funeral prayer at the MUI West Java Office on Thursday (2/6) around 7:30 PM.

1. Status Change

Not only holding a funeral prayer, the West Java MUI also gave news about the change of Eril's search status. No longer classified as a missing person, but has now changed to a person who drowned.

"The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Switzerland stated that the local authorities have changed Eril's search status from a missing person to a person who drowned," according to circulating information.


2. Call for Funeral Prayer for Indonesian Muslim Community

Through the post, they also spread the message of the West Java MUI to invite the entire Indonesian Muslim community to perform funeral prayers. According to religious provisions, funeral prayers are performed for corpses whose status has not been found or identified.

Funeral prayer for Eril will be held simultaneously today, Friday (3/6) in every mosque or musala spread throughout Indonesia. The West Java MUI urges that the funeral prayer be performed before or after Friday prayers.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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