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Rina Nose's Story About Her Intention to Undergo Plastic Surgery: Jawline Asymmetry

Rina Nose's Story About Her Intention to Undergo Plastic Surgery: Jawline Asymmetry

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Rina Nose's Story About Her Intention to Undergo Plastic Surgery: Jawline Asymmetry

Comedian Rina Nose expressed her desire to undergo plastic surgery. The 40-year-old woman feels that there are parts of her body that are asymmetrical and wants to make improvements. She explained that the asymmetry in her jawline makes her want to take action to achieve the desired symmetrical shape.

"If I were to have plastic surgery, it would be on my jaw because it's different on each side. So it's really not symmetrical, this side is bigger, I really want to," said Rina in an interview in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, on Tuesday (27/8/2024).


Rina is also considering undergoing additional procedures on her nose. "If I could add a little to my nose, that would be fine, let's see later. I've wanted to do it for a long time, but if I can do it, then okay, if not, then never mind," she added. 


When asked about netizens' comments suggesting that she should not undergo plastic surgery, Rina responded casually. "Why not? It's fine. If I want to, that's okay too," she said.


Rina also acknowledged that her attitude towards netizens' comments can vary. "You could say I'm indifferent, or you could say I'm not indifferent. It depends on the situation, it depends on the mood. If I feel like replying (to comments), I will; if not, then I won't," she explained. 


Responding to the phenomenon of artists frequently undergoing plastic surgery, Rina shared her perspective. "I don't know if it's called a phenomenon because plastic surgery has been a procedure that's been around for a long time. It's just that now, because of social media, people are sharing. So it seems like a trend now, but many have done it before. People used to hide their surgeries, but now it's just free," she said.


According to Rina, the changing attitude towards plastic surgery that is becoming more open is a natural thing. Rina emphasizes that she sees no problem with the existing trend, as long as it does not have a negative impact on others. "But it’s not a problem as long as we don’t harm the community's livestock," she added. 


Rina also explained her views on plastic surgery. She pointed out that the decision to undergo plastic surgery highly depends on personal judgment and needs. "I’m both for and against it with myself," she said. 


Regarding the offers to undergo plastic surgery that she once received, Rina revealed that such offers had been around since her high school days. "Back in high school, I was already offered plastic surgery. I was in high school from 1997-1998 and was being recorded, they were looking for a replacement for Nike Ardilla. I was already offered a nose job back then," she recalled.


At that time, Rina did not fully understand the procedures for plastic surgery. Now, with a better understanding, she is open to the possibility if deemed necessary. "It was just that back then I didn’t understand how facial construction should be, whether it should be symmetrical, the golden ratio or not, I didn’t understand that. So I thought, 'Ah, I don’t need to have surgery'," she explained.


Rina emphasized that the decision to undergo surgery will be adjusted to her current needs. "If now I’m okay with it if it turns out well. But if it seems unnecessary, then it’s fine, if I feel it’s needed, then that’s okay too," she concluded.

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