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Rumah Mama Rieta Amilia Has a Lift, Here's the Reason

Rumah Mama Rieta Amilia Has a Lift, Here's the Reason Rieta Amilia (credit: instagram @rieta_amilia) - Rieta Amilia is Nagita Slavina's mother, she is known as a businesswoman in a production house and also a celebrity who started her career in the 80s. Not only that, Mama Rieta apparently has a luxurious house.

In addition to being luxurious, Mama Rieta's house can be considered large and has sufficient facilities, one of which is a lift in the house that is known on the Youtube channel Rumah Seleb MNCTV.

1. Lift for Grandparents Gigi

Mama Rieta provides a lift facility in her house, it turns out she has her own reasons. Yes, she revealed that the lift is actually for the convenience of Gigi's grandparents.

"Back when Gigi's grandmother was still alive, this lift was for her grandparents. Because it's a pity if they have to climb the stairs, so we thought about it because there is only one room downstairs, the guest room upstairs, and Gigi's grandmother's room," said Mama Rieta.

2. Not Climbing Stairs

Furthermore, it is known that the elevator in Mama Rieta's house provides facilities for Grandpa and Grandma Gigi to go up and down easily.

"So they don't have to climb the stairs, it's pitiful," said Mama Rieta.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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