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Rumored to be Fighting, Dinar Candy Walks Out When Confronted with Barbie Kumalasari on Screen

Rumored to be Fighting, Dinar Candy Walks Out When Confronted with Barbie Kumalasari on Screen Dinar Candy © KapanLagi/Akrom Sukarya - It's not Barbie Kumalasari's name if it's not full of sensation. Most recently, Galih Ginanjar's wife claimed to have been a victim of assault by a female disc jockey with the initials DC. Barbie claimed that her nose was punched until it broke and she had to undergo surgery.

The initials DC refer to Dinar Candy. The sexy DJ was furious because out of nowhere she was accused of something she didn't do. Long story short, Dinar didn't even know, let alone punch Barbie.

"I was really emotional the other day, but now I've calmed down. I know that when there's a commotion on TV, if you say something wrong, report each other, I don't want to get involved in that," Barbie said as quoted from the Youtube MOP Channel.


1. Dinar Candy Walkout When She Found Out Barbie Kumalasari Was There

Dinar herself was invited to a talk show program recently to clarify the issue. Surprisingly, the creative team also brought Barbie without Dinar's knowledge. The singer of Talk About U then chose to walk out of the show.

"I didn't know (Barbie was there). Previously, I asked the creative team who I would be shooting with, they said it would only be me and Kak Aming, but they didn't mention Barbie. So I was confused when I met her, I felt awkward," she continued.

"She (Barbie) was the one who apologized first, I forgave her but I didn't want to meet her. Because I don't play with Barbie anymore, I don't know her. If she really wants to apologize, I forgive her but I'll just leave," she stated.

2. Barbie Accused of Seeking Sensation

Dinar doesn't understand why her name was suddenly brought up by Barbie in this case. She admitted that she doesn't need sensational news to get a job. In fact, if possible, Dinar prefers to stay away from all negative news that can damage her image.

"In my opinion, maybe she (Barbie) wants to keep creating sensation. As for me, my work is clear, I don't need news or anything, because if there's negative news, my job will become scarce, brands won't want to contract with me. Especially if it's non-joking news," Barbie concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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