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Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison, Lea Elfara Suspected of Committing Fraud and Embezzlement Against Businessman Puspo Wardoyo

Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison, Lea Elfara Suspected of Committing Fraud and Embezzlement Against Businessman Puspo Wardoyo Lea Elfara (credit: Personal Documentation) - Allegedly, religious singer and socialite Lea Elfara has been sentenced to 2 years in prison for fraud against businessman Puspo Wardoyo by the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

This was also confirmed directly by Ibnu Suud as the Public Prosecutor during the sentencing hearing held at the South Jakarta District Court, which was attended by Lea Elfara and proceeded quickly.

“Yes, Lea Elfara has been sentenced to 2 years in prison,” said Public Prosecutor Ibnu Suud to detikcom on Tuesday (2/3/2021).

1. Fraud and Embezzlement Case

Asfa Davy Bya, as Puspo Wardoyo's lawyer, also revealed that Lea Elfara has been sentenced to 2 years in prison for fraud and embezzlement.

“Today's agenda is the reading of the indictment by the Public Prosecutor. (Lea Elfara) has been sentenced to 2 years for fraud and/or embezzlement,” said Asfa Davy Bya on a different occasion.

2. Puspo Wardoyo Has Already Accepted

In that incident, Asfa Davy Bya stated that in this case, Puspo Wardoyo, the entrepreneur, has already accepted it and does not expect to get her money back. However, Lea keeps spreading slander about her, causing this issue to go to court.

Puspo Wardoyo hopes that Lea Elfara will admit that she has slandered her. Then, she should acknowledge it and apologize openly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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