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Serious Career as a Solo Singer After Graduating from JKT48, Made Aurellia Releases New Song Titled 'Senin'

Serious Career as a Solo Singer After Graduating from JKT48, Made Aurellia Releases New Song Titled 'Senin' Made Aurellia, former JKT48 member, is now more serious about pursuing a career in music © - After graduating from JKT48, Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia or better known as Made Aurellia decided to continue her career as a solo singer. Recently, this 24-year-old girl has released her latest single titled Senin (Monday).

When met by at KapanLagi Youniverse, Central Jakarta, on Friday (23/2), Made Aurellia shared how the song Senin was offered to her. Feeling suitable for the song, without much thought, Made Aurellia accepted it.

"When I was offered to sing the song Senin, I felt happy because it was so sudden and then I was invited to meet with people from the label. When I listened to it and was asked to sing, I felt it was suitable," said Made Aurellia.

1. Relate to Many People

According to him, the meaning contained in the lyrics of the song Senin is felt to relate to anyone. Moreover, every individual must feel that Monday itself arrives quickly.

"Everything is clear because there is the lyrics 'always Monday'. Well, in my opinion, everyone must feel that their day is heavy. Monday is very fast, because Monday is when we start our activities again, you know," he said.

2. For All Groups

In addition, for Made Aurellia herself, this song is not only intended for a boyfriend, but also for close friends. Even the song Senin can also be suitable to dedicate to family.

"It doesn't have to be with a boyfriend, you know, I can relate to this song with friends, with family maybe, yeah. Well, it can also be for a partner," she explained.

"Well, it's for everyone, it's the communication between two people," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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