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Seven Years Without News, This is Nanda Gita's Fate After Deciding to Leave the Entertainment World

Seven Years Without News, This is Nanda Gita's Fate After Deciding to Leave the Entertainment World Nanda Gita's fate after leaving the entertainment world © Akrom Sukarya - Still remember Nanda Gita Nurhasari Kuiper or familiarly called Nanda Gita? She is a soap opera star who decided to end her career in the entertainment world since 2014.

Her name may be considered forgotten because when she got married, Nanda moved to the Netherlands to follow her husband.

1. Pursuing a Career as a Yoga Instructor

When met in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, on Saturday (12/2), Nanda Gita apparently is currently pursuing a career as a yoga instructor.

He also explained his reasons for leaving the entertainment industry that has made his name known.

"Good news, I haven't appeared for seven years because the last time I took the yoga instructor certification, I stopped filming, the last filming was in 2014," said Nanda Gita.

2. Teenager Wants to Be Popular

"Back then, I was still a teenager who wanted to be popular, but after more than five years in the entertainment world, I felt it wasn't suitable, and I had to choose to continue my studies and have a healthier lifestyle. Filming requires waking up at seven in the morning and finishing the next day, coming in the morning and shooting until night. After five years, even though it was quite good, I still couldn't catch up with the shooting rhythm because it was tiring and the socializing wasn't quite suitable. There are many glamorous things and I thought that's not me," he continued.

Nanda also explained his considerations for leaving the entertainment world because he wants to focus on deepening his knowledge in yoga.

3. Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle

Not only that, because he wants to implement a healthy lifestyle, it also becomes a consideration given his uncertain working hours as an artist.

"I delved into yoga, initially just for personal practice but then I pursued it and obtained international certification. My teacher said 'it's a shame because my public speaking skills are good, why not use them'. From there, I thought I could have a career in yoga, even though the income is not as much as acting, it's still okay for a healthier and more positive life," he said.

4. No Plans to Leave

In addition, the 28-year-old woman also stated that she has no plans to leave the entertainment industry.

Even when she first started her career as a yoga instructor, the payment she received was far different from the honor she received when shooting.

5. Pikiran Lebih Bebas

"Not yet, because I'm still young, my mind is freer, so I don't care. It's actually reckless. In the past, I made a little money as an instructor. If shooting, I could get Rp 2-3 million, but yoga only gets 200 thousand, smaller. Even teaching at a studio is cheap, only Rp 180 thousand per class," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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